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Monday 2 May 2011

Evaluation Question

     3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A production company is a company responsible for production of new media. Our production company is called StandHardProductions, this name was chosen because it shows how we planned to go about our work, to work together as a team and stand against problems we encountered. Our logo is just a simple SH within a circle, we chose a basic logo as it is more recognisable for the audience, and easily remembered. As we only have a small group of 4, and being many roles to fill, some members of the group had to take on multiple roles. My role was to be in charge of Mise en Scene and help out with some of the titles. I also did alot of the research into the clothing and titles.The company may also be responsible for funding for the new production.  I think our film would be more likely to get funding from a small distribution company such as film4, this is because our film would be a fairly low budget British film.

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