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Thursday 20 January 2011

Group Meeting

Today we had a quick group meeting to dicuss what plans we had made for filming. We have planned to film this weekend at arround 5pm. On the saturday night liam and connor will go down to the set and test the lighting so it is ready for sunday. In the daytime on sunday we will test the costumes out for fit. Today Liam and Connor have gone for a meeting with the police to dicuss the use of weapons on set.

This is our Facebook group, we set this up to firstly draw in people to our productions however, it is also so that we can do some research into our target audience. we can post links to our blogs, our YouTube account and keep people up to date with our production; we also can ask people who follow our group questions such as what films do you like, where do you watch them and many more. we have been able to gather so much information about our target audience due to this group. 

we are also going to use this in our evaluation, asking people to post reviews and score our final video.!/home.php?sk=group_139347546114394&ap=1

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